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The Ultimate Guide to BUTYL TAPE: Facts & FAQs

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What is Butyl Tape?

Butyl Tape is a rubber-based adhesive used to augment traditional rubber adhesives. Butyl tapes can withstand extreme temperatures and remain tacky at much lower temperatures than natural rubber. Additionally, butyl tape has instant adhesion and adheres well to almost any surface. Because of this, butyl tape is great for problem solving when you need to make repairs in a pinch. Flexibility and strength are strong points of butyl tape, making it a perfect material to use for extended deck stability. In addition to wood, butyl sealant tape is great for repairing rubber roofing, galvanized metal, fiberglass, textiles, plastics, aluminum, and any other typical RV, residential, automotive, and boat surface.

Please visit ADHES Tape: The Ultimate Guide to BUTYL TAPE: Facts and FAQs page for more information.